Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer to identify your visit and your saved preferences. The files represent letters and numbers that are sent from our server and stored on your electronic device when you access our website.
Cookies remember your preferences when you browse this website. For instance, they keep you logged in, save the items you ordered and more.
Feel free to disable cookies at any time, but please be aware of the fact that they play a core role in enabling certain functionality at, and we cannot fully guarantee that our service will work properly in case you decide to disable cookies.
There are persistent and session cookies.
Persistent cookies are saved on your device between browsing sessions. They keep details about your preferences across all the pages of this site.
Session cookies save the information about your experience only temporarily. They get deleted the moment the page is closed. Such type of cookies can greatly enhance the security of online payment systems.
You can block or disable cookies any time, but due to their vital role of enhancing/enabling usability on our website we cannot guarantee that our service will be able to function properly after cookies are disabled.
Please note that we use Google Analytics to help us analyze how visitors access this site. The information which is generated in a cookie about how you use this website is then sent to Google. The purpose is to evaluate the visitors' use of the site and create statistical reports about the activity on the website.
More information about cookies, including how to manage and delete them, is available at
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We do not in any case obtain information that is personally identifiable with cookies.